Monday, June 17, 2024

SARS : "Nothings Hurts Quite Like Life"

Metal Core has become one of the hottest bandwagons to jump on, though there are still some legit newer hardcore bands, pumping out real shit that is not just over-produced nu-metal.  This album is a case in point as it offers one of the heavier beatings to come from something like this in 2024. A few bands have taken on the moniker of SARS, this Finnish band might be the most deserving of it as their songs are both crushing and infectious. The title track kicks in with more overt anger before they find their staccato groove. The vocals are in an articulate yet suitably angry scream. At times are even allowed to tremble with emotion. They do not overdo the breakdown feel of the riffs but do not shy from them either. 

"Away From My Mind" finds the more uptempo thrashing layered with a stormy atmosphere, before locking into a riotous chant as the song ebbs down. The vocals are very effectively layered on the chorus. 'Solstice" is the rare song on this album that breaks the five-minute mark. It moves at more of a sludge-hinted shuffle. This creates a darker heavier sonic pulse. They continue down a darker musical path on "Blightbearer" It hammers at your ears with a sound more typical of metalcore bands. The emphasis is placed on the metal side of that equation thanks to the double bass dropping in at key points. Despite being more memorable "Bitter Soil" sounds like it is a breakdown down brings the previous song to its climax. 

The riff that opens " Not For the Violence" is a strong case for songwriting, though they keep enough teeth bared during their attack to hold up against the previous songs. "It Still Hurts" emotes from a similar place as the first half of the record. The accents of the backing vocals create an interesting dynamic. The dissonance keeps them from drifting too close to nu-metal. The more apocalyptic brooding merges again on "Gray' to close the album. They do throw themselves into a more blast-beaten section, but it gives more of a Slayer slant to their aggressive sound. I will give this album a 9.5 if you are looking for old-school hardcore with a metal pulse pumping its veins, these guys have you covered. This album drops July 12th on Time to Kill RECORDS.  


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