Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Death is June - Cannibal Corpse : "Kill"


The album opens up at maximum speed, then the dash into the more rushed style of frantic death metal they sometimes resort, to but manage to find a more effective groove. "Murder Worship" is more of the too fast for their own good side. They do manage to lean into a grooving riff for "Necrosadistic Warning". His vocal delivery is more rushed than the riff. I     do like the more layered vocal production that crops up in this song. "Five Nails Through the Neck" is as subtle as the song title itself. "Purification by Fire" has marginally more nuance, but it feels like they are taking a more deliberate shifting through the riffs without rushing the process and that works for me.

"Death Walking Terror" is a slapper that is more than likely the album's best song, and one of their more classic tunes. The chug driving this song is very powerful, and it serves as an example of what the band should focus on. I think it is fair to say you do hear them moving more in this direction over the years that followed. "Barbaric Bludgeonings" is a pretty fitting description of what they do with their instruments. Though it is not them at their most manic. They do find time to allow the riffs to groove a bit. They continue on the more head-bang-worthy riff crusade on "The Discipline of Revenge". It builds into a sufficient pummelling, but there is a little more dynamic range than the previous song. 

They turn into frantic maniacs on "Brain Removal Device" which is not the sound of the band leaning into their most creative energies. "Maniacal" hits you with another uber-aggressive burst of speedy riff and a storm pattering drums. There is a more tank-like rumble to "Submerged in Boiling Flesh". They hit you with a lot and they hit you with it in the loudest fastest fashion. "Infinite Misery" holds the promise of the album slowing down a little with powerful results. I will give this one an 8, it's on par with what you expect from them during this time. 


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