Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Death is June - Malignancy : "...Discontinued'

 This month I am trying to cover an album that represents every corner of the death metal genre, even the ones I am not fond of. The only sub-genre of death metal I am not into is tech death or brutal technical death metal which might be a more fitting description of this band that is more obsessed with the sound of the mathematics involved here than writing songs since I did not notice I was already midway into the second song until I looked up at my computer screen, as it sounded like the same jumble of chaotic riffing. The song that follows that one does less to change my mind, some parts are slower or faster than others, though these are assembled in a haphazard manner that is supposed to be part of this genre's charm but it annoys me. 

Are they skilled at making many notes fire from their instruments at just as many time signatures? Yes, but who cares? Well, maybe 13-year-old guitar hopefuls playing video games, who are less about things like songs and want dramatic gymnastic background music. By the time I get to "Purity of Purpose" I am really having to dig in and endure this album and it's only the fourth song. There are a few riffs here and there that are head-bangworthy but you are jerked around so trying to get to them it reminds you of the sacred rule here which is ...

cool riffs alone does not a good song make 

The angular twist and turns to continue and torture my ears even more, this time a faster pounding that is hyper-aggressive but with the focus of a meth head. I can hear more of a Cannibal Corpse influence here, but Corpsegrinder and the boys give you memorable riffs to sink your ravenous teeth into.  "Haunted Symmetry" attacks you head-on by trying to find the square root of infinity. "Decomposing Divinity" locks into the riff a little better. "Oppositional Defiance" winds around a great and locks on one groove but does not hold onto enough to be enjoyable. The drummer is really working the hardest but that is typical for this sort of thing. There are a few chugs on this one, but it's as chaotic as the other songs. I will give this album a 7, not my thing but if you like mathy death metal chaos it might work for you. It's being released on Willowtip Records.  


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