Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Death is June - Void Witch : "Horripilating Presence"

 Perhaps they took notes on what I did not like about their previous album, as this Texas-based death-doom outfit, has all the sound dialed in where they need them to do. There is still a strong Morbid Angel influence haunting the sound. The second is more Morbid Angel-like in how the groove lumbers. It's impressive how the sounds have been more refined and the vocals have more purpose this time around. While "Malevolent Demiurge" is pretty much what you expect from Death Metal, with little in the way of surprises aside from taking on a doomier tone, and the guitars getting much more melodic. 

If you have to pick one of the Peaceville forerunners to say the sound of this album most closely aligns with, it would be My Dying Bride, though their more death metal moments and none of the gothy gloom. Not that this is a happy album, it is pretty dark. "Supernova of Brain and Bone" is where the album leans more into the doom side of the equation. This works well as it allows them to lean into their newfound sense of melody, as the guitars cry out in mourning. They creep into eerie new places with "Ten-Thousand Eyed Stalactite". There is a flurry of double bass waltzing in and out of the angular syncopation. The vocals are beginning to get a little old, but they are way better than last time. T

The title track closes the album. It is more winding and dynamic, with melodic interludes of guitar that break up the blasting accents. This is clearly songwriting and not just cultivating a sound. This is a nice touch of darkness that helps to win me over. These guys are stepping up their game in a big way, so I will give this album a 9.If you want moody death metal this one will be worth the wait when it drops on Everlasting Spew July 26th.  



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