Saturday, June 1, 2024

Death is June - Cannibal Corpse's "Butchered at Birth"

 Cannibal Corpses' second album feels like it began to set them apart not only from their influences but from other death metal bands. This is where they began the current wave of gore grind. The tempo shift on "Meat Hook Sodomy" feels more like their calling card than any of the songs on the first album. "Gutted" finds hooky riffs balancing out the more brutal in-your-face blasting. Things are more straightforward on "Living Dissection". The mix is a little weird on this album, as the snare pops up front and the other drums patter around it, as the guitars sit behind the vocals during the verses. The guitars do prove they are very capable of packing a punch with their chug on "Under Rotted Flesh". 

"Covered With Sores" is more deliberate and rooted in thrash. Then things speed up and they bring that stiff snare pat that I am not into. It is like a precursor to how blast beats are used now. They do break this up with a pretty razor-sharp riff. "Vomit the Soul" is a great song title. Lyrically things are kept at such a guttural grunt that it's hard to tell if the lyrics measure up to. Glen Benton joins Chris on the chorus, which is a moment for Tampa's death metal. It is one of the few songs that has Satanic references in it by these guys so it makes sense that Glen should be there for it. 

The title track is pretty straightforward. It works for what they do, but "Vomit the Soul" is a better song. On "Rancid Amputation" they show you a little of their keen sense for riffing in its early stages before ramping up into a faster blasting there is a Slayer touch to the riffs, which they return to. The last song might not be the album's most melodic, but it does deliver the bulldozing riffs that lend their attack a larger-than-life feel, that has since become the band's calling call. It does have some impressive drumming. I will give this album a 9, it's solid, but not their best. 


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