Friday, June 21, 2024

Death is June -Devine Defilement : "Age of Atrocities"


Thanks to the inner webs the brutal style of death metal known as "slam" has found its way to Iceland. Not sure why this band requires two vocalists for what Corpse Grinder does on his own, but perhaps the truth will be found later in the album. The first song is just sonic blunt force trauma, but fans of this sub-genre do not require more stimulus than what is being dished out here. I find this sort of thing to be done better by bands like Left to Suffer but I am only one song into it, so let us hear how the rest plays out. I can say I will have a more critical ear after the number wears off from my first exposure to their brand of metallic violence. 

I would say this is my least favorite genre of death metal but bands like Sanguisuggabogg have won me over before, but this band does not possess their knack for groove. I let the album play and the next thing I knew after being hit with a bunch of down-tuned thick guitar tones the songs began to run together until I realized I was already at the 5th song. Meaning dynamically five songs it everything sounds the same and I can't one song from the next. Though they have nailed down this sound. They are even playing a great deal of the right riffs, and adding things like dissonance at times to get a more sonic sound, but the guitar tones are machine-like because of the effects being used and I am not feeling the emotion of who they are just hearing what they intend to be. 

There is a little more deliberate crunch to "S.C.U". I hear a little more of the second vocal on this one, it's higher almost black metal-like, but I am not sure why it requires separate vocalists to do both. They begin to crunch into nu-metal grooves by the time we get to "Betrothed to Blasphemy" a cool title, but there is no way to make out the lyrics with that gurgle. The pig squeal thing now feels dated. Most of the songs are around the three-minute mark so you are not in pain for long. At best on a song like "Embedded in Filth," it sounds like Cannibal Corpse filler songs.  "Wraith" starts off as a blast fest despite the guitar going in a different direction with doomy guitars. They cover Slipknot's " Sic" for the last song, while they do not sound to be a huge influence on this band you can hear I suppose. They do a better job with it than expected, they need to take more notes in the songwriting dept from Slipknot. I will give this album a 6, it's not my thing, but if you like slamming grindcore it might be yours. I love Cannibal Corpse and they are not far removed in some ways they just missed out on writing something hooky no matter how heavy you are. 


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