Monday, June 10, 2024

Death is June - Nyktophobia : "To The Stars"

This German band has a sweeping take on the genre. It feels like the black metal aspects of their sound are downplayed. They are very melodic, but do not let this soften the fierece drive of their songs. The second song builds off the melodic elements alluded to in the more tremolo-picked opener. They pour on the speed when charging into "Charon Gates". The vocals alternate between a death metal growl and a higher scream that feels more blackened. The album has a very clean production sound that mixes some of the darkness out of it. This is what gives it the most European feel. Depending on your tastes, this might sway you one way or the other on these guys. I prefer Death Metal with a darker rawer sound, but open to giving everybody a chance here. 

"The Fall of Eden' is more deliberate which plays up the almost symphonic quality to their melodic nature. Things get dramatically more melodic going into "Progenitor" though this does not stop them from churning a blast beat under the shimmering guitar melodies. Though the edge is slowly being dulled by some of the grandiose aspirations invoked here. There is supposed to be a science fiction theme to this album, but I think bands like Nocturnus and Pestilence get those themes across more effectively. I can make out the lyrics when I pay attention, but nothing really strikes me at least they are not pretending to be Vikings. Speaking of that there is a similar sonic zipcode to Amon Amarth here, and it serves as another example of the show when following Cannibal Corpse, Amon Amarth did not come across as heavy. 

In fact 'Millenium" almost feels more like power metal than death metal, with its major key melodies. Epic does not always mean heavy. They do play faster, but at this point in the album, it feels middle of the road. Synth sound comes front and center in the mix for the last song , which does create more of the sci-fi mood this album needed more of to be convincing. I will give this album an 8, as it is well executed in terms of their musical ability and they show they do care about the song, so if you want death metal that sounds great to play Final Fantasy to then this album is for you, because chances are you are not that concern with things being dark and heavy. 

pst 278

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