Saturday, June 1, 2024

Death is June - 200 Stab Wounds : "Manual Manic Procedures"

 I liked this band's debut "Slave to the Scalpel" It even made the number 9 slot on last year's Top 10 Death Metal Albums. Less than a year later these guys have worked hard to perfect their craft, as this is more nuanced and dynamic songwriting. My only complaint about the first album was it was so straightforward there was little to separate it from veterans like Cannibal Corpses. Now they are really bringing it hard this time around. They give the oppressive pounding. There are plenty of syncopated punches and little nuances that make it clear this operation is a meticulous procedure. "Release the Stench" is the first song that sounds more like their simpler more barbaric times. I am not sure if these guys sat down and said listen the tide is turning if death metal is ever going to be big it's now so we have to go for it, but that is what it sounds like happened. The world is full of inspiration right now. 

There is some great guitar playing going into "Liquified" though an instrumental is not what I expected. Not a single song goes over five minutes. Some of this is due to the speed they are playing when it comes to a thrasher like "Flesh From Within". But it also means they are doing just enough and using restraint to avoid overindulgence and sprawling things out. I hear more Slayer influence on this album than Cannibal Corpses. Though the vocals are typically in a low guttural growl. The use of clean guitar tones to add a creepy feel is highly effective and gives the needed contrast to capture dynamics. The bass tone is really present, which helps things feel heavy but also adds more of an 80s thrash feel. The vocals are very purposeful and do not feel like the obligatory growl injected where a human sound should be, 

The guitar tone is cutting and the perfect balance of gain that allows you to still hear the notes rather than just an over-processed throbbing. There are still blasting parts here, but they give you just enough to taste without numbing your ear drums out. The last song finds the groove factor reaching epic proportions, as the chug takes on a life of its own. It's about blowing up an old folks home, which works for death metal, and feels like the lyrics have more depth this time around rather than just horror tropes. I will round this one up to a 10. Might turn out to be the death metal album of the year right now it is certainly the album to beat. 


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