Saturday, June 22, 2024

Death is June -Cannibal Corpse : "Evisceration Plague"

"Priests of Sodom" might be numbered among the band's best songs, and that is what opens up their 11th hour. The band claims to try and make each album heavier than the last, but once they made "Kill" they stopped and reconsidered how they were going to outdo themselves in that regard so it feels like they paid more attention to detail on this album, which the band thinks holds their best guitar tones. They hit you harder and faster for "Scalding Hail" and it becomes a blur, though they are more deliberate for the equally brutal exercise in excess titled "To Decompose". It's not their most consistent album as they knock " Cauldron of Hate' out of the park, it's another one of those songs that could numbered among their best. They even slow it down to a more obituary-like pace in the middle of the song. 

Then at this point in the album things take on a more rushed tone that I could be more impressed by. Not a fan when other bands do it so not holding these guys to a different standard. It is one-dimensional, and they have already proven to me on this album alone that they can do better.  "Carnivorous Swarm" works better at the hyper-fast speed as it sounds like the buzz the title implies, and finds a more Slayer-like groove. The title tracks is also driven by a powerful groove and interesting guitar playing creating ambiance around it which is all I could from these guys. "Shatter the Bones" is another more straightforward pounding. It finds them in the middle of the road at what they do, not going to extremes. 

"Carrion Sculpted Entity" is an interesting image for the lyrics to build. Musically it hammers at you with the intensity expected but not going beyond. "Unnatural"  chugs along similar lines so it carries more of a thrashing feel. There is an awesome riff midway into things, though the rule here of "cool riffs alone does not a good song make" applies to these guys too. Though it is not an ineffective song. "Skewered from Ear to Eye" rids a thrash-like tension as the riff is more palm-musted and the drums build into a blast behind it. The last song hit you with a violent barrage of guitars that does not relent. This album has enough killer songs to balance it self out I will give it a 9.  


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