Saturday, June 1, 2024

Death is June 2024

Another June, which means it's time to shift the focus to death metal. The genre seems to have leaped in popularity in the past year, perhaps it's all the war setting the stage for it. I am more prepared this year, and sandbagged some reviews I could have published over the past week, but felt it more fitting to drop them this month.  After seeing them live I gained a newfound appreciation for Cannibal Corpse so am reviewing all their past work which has not been covered here "Torture" and everything before it.

As a fan of the genre since the 80s, what I want out of my death metal is not unlike what I want from most music... first and foremost, darkness and moodiness to it. This means death metal that is just straightforward and heavy on the part of the snare is more than likely going to bore me. Looking for bands doing their own thing, who are not solely tributes to Morbid Angel, Incantation, or Entombed. The 90s was an important time for death metal so leaning into that sound is ok, as long as you are doing your own thing with it. 

Going to cover death metal adjacent genres like death-core, grind-core, and metalcore, if they are more metal than whatever core they wish to imply. One thing I am big on after hearing too many death metal musicians complain about the death toll of Co vid or lamenting the death toll in Palestine, is are these guys legit? Are they having doubts about worshipping death? Death is a sure outcome, there is no running from it. Everyone is going to die, this should be embraced and celebrated. If the band is not ready to embrace that kind of darkness I do not want to hear them . With that said let us enter the month of death metal for Death is June. 


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