Thursday, June 27, 2024

Little Hag : "Now That’s What I Call Little Hag"


This quirky indie pop is opening her album with a song about her vibrator. This is not as organic as the previous songs I have heard from her. This is more like 80s  new-wave.  "Oops" does this in more of a Devo-like manner, as the guitar is more angular. The guitar playing makes me think of St Vincent. There is more of a 70s groove to "The Suburbs" though it does not go full disco despite the best intentions of whoever programmed the drums. In the first two songs, the lyrics were her secret weapon, and this is not the case in "The Suburbs". It is an effective song, just not as clever as the first two. 

"1000 Birds" is her commentary on Capitalism, which is funny considering she is not just giving this album away. "All 3" goes back in the direction of pop, though the sounds backing her voice carry a more lo-fi roughness to them. "You Blew it" works off another groove that is not as pleading for you to shake your booty as the pop you hear on the radio and is driven more by sarcasm. "Would it Kill You" might be heartfelt, but not hooky, instead it drags you through the demise of her relationship. She does eventually pull out a guitar to strum as she reflects back on why being 21 sucked. 

"King Cake" is a dramatic ballad with an odd 1950s-flavored ambiance surrounding her uncontrolled vibrato. There are some interesting guitar tones on this one, highlighting the fact this is a really well-produced album, though it did not roll off the music industry assembly line. "Hell Yes" flirts with country music in its casual strum. The somewhat bleak lyrical outlet is also a welcome shift from the confines of music.  There is an atmospheric interlude in the middle of the song, to give a more experimental perspective. "Hangin' on a Thing" is another ballad. This one is a little more reflective. Pining over past relationships is a theme though done in a much different way than how Taylor Swift approaches the subject. This does build into more of an indie rock shuffle. There is more of an indie power ballad feel to "Suck Out the Pain " which closes the album in a more effective manner than where things were heading with the folk-tinged ballad before it. I will give this album a 9, it's fun and she is occupying a needed void in this kind of pop music. 


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