Friday, June 28, 2024

Death is June - Deceased : "Children of the Morgue"

Hailed as one of the longest-running death metal bands still kicking it, this band feels more like thrash on the opening track of their 11th album. With kinda of a Venom vibe lurking under the current. Harmonizing riffs add a melodic edge though the riffs are pretty catchy. They even allow themselves to go into a gallop that recalls early Iron Maiden.  "Turn to Wither" is an interlude that adds mood and atmosphere s, serving as an intro to "Terrornaut" where the guitars ring out in a more punk manner. The vocals are less of a growl and more of a declaration. The atmosphere that was hinted at in the interlude preceding this song returns for a spoken word section that is not unlike what Spinal Tap does in "Stonehenge".  It works better than what their peers are typically doing as it adds more dynamics. Musically it creates more of a Mercyful Fate feel, though the vocals are pretty one-dimensional.

'"The Reaper is Nesting" leans into the more punk tempo of thrash. Taunt riffing keeps things interesting. Two minutes they shift the dynamics to create a darker more deliberate feel.  The sections allotted for guitar solos are given enough space to be jammed out. This gives the more punchy guitar hook more impact later in the song. "the Gravedigger"  has a purposeful headbanging riff that drives the song in a classic metal fashion. "Eerie Wavelengths' pours on the speed in a manner that makes me think of "Bonded By Blood'. "Fed to Mother Earth" is marginally catchier, as the vocals have more purpose, but still pretty meat and potatoes in the grand scheme of things. It also feels a little drawn out considering it's not one of the album's most dynamic songs. 

"Brooding Lament" is more violent thrashing, though some of the chord voicings are allowed to ring out in a more melodic punk manner. Things do get up to a "Show No Mercy" speed. The last song thrashes in a more Watain-like manner, which likely means they are pulling from similar influences. I will give this album a 9, as it cares about the songwriting and is a pretty fun listen, that will appeal to fans of thrash and death metal in equal measure as long as they have a taste for the classics. It drops August 3oth on Hells Headbangers. 


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