Saturday, July 6, 2024

Svoid : "Neptunian"

I liked this Hungarian band's 2018 EP. Things are being pounded into form in a dark manner that respects the mood they are known to create. I do not remember the vocals having this much of a snarl, but here we are. The black metal roots of the band are not so easily discarded. In fact, there is not much to show me here they are not a black metal band, aside from the tones dialed in with their instruments, but I think that makes them a better black metal band as they are working these elements in and doing their own thing. The sung vocals come in midway into the third song. There is a great deal of punk in their attack, even in the scowl of the vocals. 

The darkness unfolding is not unlike what Watain lets out of their dark closets. The guitars are dancing around the pumpkin patch while the vocals snarl with discontent. Not singing but the vocals are placed very purposefully. "Twilight Draws Night" shuffles along a more shadow-filled palm-muted tension, as the croak of the vocals continues the established narrative. "the Shell' continues along a similar dark path, it's like if Ian Curtis got possessed while recording "Closer". The song does build in its malicious intent.  Things get more melodic, but in a haunted disjointed manner for "All Torn Apart".  "In Sacred Magic" makes you wonder if all black metal sounds like post-punk when you slow it down. The speed this is strummed gets the point across just as well as the tremolo picking. 

The "Moonwise Journey" throb gives room for the vocals to go into a more vampiric croak. This song reminds me of a less folky and darker Agalloch. "Black Hole District" is driven by a more metallic attack without having to get blasty. The last song feels like a fitting summary of the album. I will give this album a 9.5, it is not perfect but comes close, it shows that black metal does not have to adhere to the tired old musical traditions of the genre to get the darkness across, in fact, it sometimes works best this way. 


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