Monday, July 29, 2024

Golden Apes : "Our Ashes at the End of the Day"


I liked this German band's 2014 album, though they are an artist that tends to slip between the cracks when it comes to what goth album I think of listening to on any given day, so let's see how this one holds up. The first song is very consistent with who they are and sounds great so I am not not asking much more than that from these guys. Peer's resonant baritone croon is the obvious focal point of their songs. The chord progressions to the title track, are very familiar as it follows what bands like New Model Army already embark upon. 

"Shine" is dark enough for me, It works off a fairly straightforward post-punk formula, though without any of the Joy Division punk leanings. It feels like they hit the best balance on "Ash Trees" as it carries the bounce of a new wave, tempered with more brooding introspection and some great guitar tones. The guitar has more of a rock sound leading into "Reflections". It sounds like New Model Army if they were trying to be dark, instead of it just coming out that way. The pulse running under this song is a cool nuance. Instead of going down the typical post-punk path  "All of Her" ambles around like the Cult in their more middle-of-the-road moments. 

Germans and their guilty consciences course correcting with "Bigotry". It is brooding and melodic enough despite the confusing lyrics. There are hints of the Cure in the guitar melodies layered around it. They jam it out when the bass breaks down to a thump. One thing can be said for Peer, often singers dropping down in their lower range are not as strong and pitchy, yet he can belt it out well, not in a Danzig manner, but with great unwavering pitch. The last song is less focused as it packs a more Juda Priest-like riff. I will give this album a 9, the vocals are strong and songwriting generally solid, breathing new life into undead tropes. 


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