Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Crypt Sermon : "the Stygian Rose"


This band returns with their 80s-flavored metal that continues down its darker grittier path, this time not unlike Savatage or Metal Church, which I can appreciate. There seem to be more vocal colors going on this time around. The riffing thrashs a little more amid the guitar harmonies. They feel like they are hitting their stride more on this album. There are lots of guitar solos as expected for this kind of metal. They are done in a tasteful enough manner. They keep hitting you with the riffs which plays to this album's strength. "Thunder" retains the darker feel. The guitars are layered more melodically and there is less of a proto-thrash feel. The chugs are more deliberate. 

"Down in the Hollow" feels like a long-lost classic metal song from the late 80s. Just before grunge took over bands were beginning to experiment. The chords ring out with a shadowy vibe in places that help this song stand out. The drummer shows a knack for groove that makes this song most effective.in "Heavy is the Crown of Bone" finds them back in the nostalgic zone that might normally be called power metal, but since there is a darker rough edge to what is going down here, if feels closer to doom or thrash at times, depending on where you are in the song. 

 However the power ballad "Scrying Orb" makes power more appropriate. Power metal is not normally my thing as the epic qualities of most bands who champion the label come across as being too happy for me. Even on the power ballad, there is a more ominous tone haunting it. The melodies and manner the vocals are layered making this song particularly strong as it's well-written. It does not feel like they are paying tribute to any one band but rather a natural homage to the era of music. The album closes with the 11-minute title track. The dynamics laid out in this song almost make the indulgent arrangement justified. There are equal does of catchy vocal melodies and riffs, to make the time pass. The song carries a dark throb I appreciate. I will round this up to a 10 they have come into their own, and stand shoulder to shoulder with the albums these songs draw inspiration from. Released by Dark Descent Records. 


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