Saturday, July 20, 2024

Beaten to Death : "Sunrise Over Rigor Mortis"

 This band from Norway is not playing black metal. They are heavy but thanks to their feedback squealing vision of grind-core. The vocals are chaotically screamed or growled. The second song just creeps out of the first. The opening song is just a minute long, and it crams a great deal of thrashing into that minute. They carry out thrashing with a great deal of spastic energy. The production on the drums comes across pretty rough at time, leaving it to sound as if drums are just being kicked down the stairs. The bass also sounds like it's strings are about to fall off. It's not all chaos as "My Hair Will Be Long Until Death" does have a melodic section in the middle. 

The vocals tend to trade off being higher strangled screams and a lower death metal growl. "Minus Och Minus.." starts off with almost a Police before hurtling into blast beats, despite the low production quality they do have some great ideas when it comes to songwriting that gives the songs what they need to push past this. "Mosh for Mika" has a creepy melody that runs in the background, that sets them apart from other grind core bands as they bring the needed melodies that most of them forsake, while this does lean them in a more of a thrash direction that is fine,

"Dying the Dream" hit you with blasting speed which is when the production flaws come to the forefront, when they are more deliberate it allows for the songs to surpass this, so they could not get the sound dialed does not matter as they have the songs. At times they even work in actual singing which is a rarity in grind core. Though "Dying the Dream " is the rare song that is three minutes. "Life But How to Leave it" is a more straight forward riff battery. The manic drumming does not play to it's favor this time, but the guitar try to hold it together. "We're Not Going to Make it " runs into similar problems with more uptempo chugs. But even these moments are still song focused and listenable. There is even a rock riff at the end of the song. 

The last song is more jangling blasting madness that is not as song focused as some of the album's high points. I will give this album a 9, it is a great deal of fun, the production makes it less dense than what I normally want from the genre, but it's a fun album that takes more chances than not and the all pay off , I look forward to hearing what they do with a bigger budget and taking the time to dial this in. 


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