Friday, July 19, 2024

TRENCH : "Between Inverted Worlds"


This Canadian metal core is on the more experimental side of the genre. I would almost call them death-core as the vocals are more death metal than hard-core. They do have the hard-core grooves almost pushed to a more nu-metal like pace This is very well produced and the almost Blade Runner-like mood lacing this album certainly helps them to stand apart from your run-of-the-mill metalcore bands. Then by "Path of Pain" they have decided they want to jerk you around with odd time signatures more than they want to groove you. 'One Cut For Every Loss" is more deliberate and gives some sonic breadth to add a layer of melody and make the album as a while more listenable, without being overly accessible. They pick up the pace 

They are not short on the atmosphere as heard in "Dust to Borie". Though they set this against more of a modern metal roar. If you do not like electronic elements in your music and do not like music that is at times dissonant then these guys might not be for you. The sung vocals on this song, provide a nice dynamic shift without leaning too far into the pop side of things. 'Chrome Sacrament' does for the throat with almost too singular of focus. The song does progress into a more interesting experimental place."My Cold Blood" succeeds at being heavy, but its assault does not do much to add a great deal of variety to its sound.

"Final Odyssey " works off songs they have already introduced and just takes it in a more urgent and aggressive tone. "Blossom III" finds things drifting into a more expansive range of sound. Dissonance is one of the primary ingredients I will give this album a 9, it could use little fine tunings. but accomplished what they set out to do , while also having a more original sound. 


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