Thursday, July 4, 2024

Dermabrasion : "Pain Behaviour"

This Canadian project pulls from many angles of the 90s, industrial, alt-rock, and Nu-metal are all represented in the varied colors that make up their sound. Sonically this is not far removed from Pop Will Itself, but how many kids these days even know who they are? This album dropped back at the end of January on a small label called Hand Drawn Dracula and would have gone under the radar if not for me clicking around the inner web. After the banger of an opening track that takes you by surprise as you might not be expecting the aggressive manner they rock out at you, a discerning ear begins to listen closer for the finer points of songwriting on "Grim Sister" and they largely seem to be working off the sheer energy they are hitting things with. There is a little more of a disco beat coasting under the guitars on this one. 

The bass gains some heft on the darker "Goblin Dance". It hits like a heavier version of St Vincent, as an odd angular noise powers the riffs.  Perhaps both are just influenced by Bowie's "Scary Monsters". Then things take a wild left turn into "punk", meaning they are playing fast and recklessly on "Proving Grounds". There is more of a death rock feel to "Betrayer Moon" so they are all over the place at this point stylistically.  This more deliberate step towards death rock continues on "Magic Missle'. Then they get rowdy in a faster manner again with "Sleepless" This is not as effective, nor does it play to their strengths since there are plenty of actual punk bands who do this better. 

"Psychic Event" should be a more goth-tinged song, since those are more goth-tinged events.  Nobody really talks about the goth girl new age overlap they just assume they are witches.  A strong bass line certainly helps this song. They do sound a little more like 45 Grave here. This is taken in a more late 80s direction on 'In the Time of Queens" The song is driven by a darker mood. Things have a dancey swagger on the last song. I will give this album a 9, I am not sure how much I will listen to this album again, since I already own a great deal of music that occupies a similar space, but appreciate this is being done and recommend it to any one looking for new goth rock that is true to the old guard. 


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