Friday, August 2, 2024

The Top 10 French Metal Bands

The world was just alerted to the fact that France exports metal as well. The band used to showcase this fact was great in 2005 when they released "From Mars to Sirrus" but went off in an almost nu-metal-like direction that has more in common with Machine Head than I might like. the band's more recent material has found too much of their tour mates Mastodon rubbing off on them. So in the interest of presenting a more accurate picture of what the best metal France has to offer,  Acts like Perturbator who are just metal adjacent but a synth wave band won't appear, since even though I like them,  they are not suited for this list. Spoiler alert Alcest is not on this list either, they used metallic elements to add dynamics to their songs, but are So in the interest of presenting a more not a band in and of themselves. they make shoe-gaze for elves with bad attitudes. Who is on the list... a bunch of dark heavy bands that you are not likely seeing open for Korn anytime soon. 

10- Glorior Belli

This band went from black metal to a more Goatwhorish swampy sludge thrash. Here's hoping for another album from them before the world ends. 


9-Liquid Flesh

This Death Metal band from Grenoble is one of the newer bands on this list. They play a groovy style of death metal that honors the classic sound while being forward-thinking

 8-Vous Atres

Another new band these guys play a very dark and deliberate form of black metal that does not seek to follow the Scandinavian path but instead goes deeper into inner bleakness, as darkness becomes a tangible feeling with their sound.



Former members of Anorexia Nervosa dropped an album in 2017 that was equal parts large and majestic in scope and possessed by a profoundly emotive atmosphere. 


6-The Great Old Ones 

This Bordeux-based band is not only HP Lovecraft-themed, but plays a post-rock-infused style of black metal that carries a dense sludge-ridden crunch, to capture the mood of the subject matter


 5-Peste Noire

Black Metal could be captured as video games, these guys would be the sonic equivalent of Grand Theft Auto. They have the "I Don't Give a Fuck" attitude in short supply these days. At one time metal was a middle finger to the rest of the world, and these guys have that attitude, they are not afraid of who they offend nor should they be. 


4-Blut Aus Nord 

Who says LSD and depressing black metal don't mix? They work well together on the nightmarish throbbing sounds this band conjures. "The Work That Transforms God" is often considered the best album, but I enjoy their 777 trilogy. 


This industrial sludge band from Rennes is one of the heaviest bands today. They took what Godflesh started and made it darker and more dismal. 




 They might have more in common with Mr. Bungle than your average metal band, Corpsegrinder lent his voice to their last album, so that says a great deal about where they are willing to go, even with all their quirky bells and whistles they are still heavier than Gojira

 1-Deathspell Omega

Dense progressive angular odes to darkness. Lots of bands pretend to be into the occult, these guys actually know what they are talking about and create seething evil, with a drummer who is criminally underrated even in the more extreme circles of metal. They took the number one spot because they typically sound more serious about what they were doing than Igorr, who is still a great band these guys are just heavier. 


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