Thursday, August 29, 2024

God is an Astronaut : "Embers"

I enjoy post-rock, but I have to be in a particular mood for it. Having a headache and not being able to listen to anything more aggressive is such an occasion. This might be an even more melodic direction for the Irish band as the song focuses on central melodic themes, and sails off. Graceful is one word that comes to mind. There is a more exotic touch to the chord voicing and it often sounds like sitar is being used.  This takes things on a magical mystery tour with its more psychedelic leanings. Sometimes they are subtle as the second songs gradually build up to them at the end, while songs like "Odyessy" find them carrying the main melody as a dynamic shift from the more rock-oriented riffing.

"Heart of Roots" is a moodier exploration with piano taking center stage. The rock guitar colors the background and lets things progress with a more jazz-like layering.  "Embers" finds both drone and groove working off one another. Great drumming and excellent guitar tones certainly help this song's case for greatness. It borders more towards prog.  Even though it's over four minutes long "Realms" feels like it's the atmospheric intro to "Oscillation" which is a proper song with melody and direction rather than just a sculpt of sound.

"Prism" works off a pretty simple melody they drone off of, but does not go anywhere dynamically. Sure it sounds cool, but instrumental bands have to work harder to compensate for the lack of vocals, or they just kind of fade into the background.  "Hourglass" proves they can not only compensate but hypnotize you with layers of lush dynamics, making it one of the album's strongest songs. I will give this album a 9, they have improved as a songwriter, and this will give fans what they want and more than they expected.


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