Saturday, August 24, 2024

Sabrina Carpenter : "Short n Sweet"


The 6th album from this pop singer who had barely entered my consciousness, before six minutes ago when I gave the single "Taste" a listen, This song also opens the album, and I was impressed by the edge to its attitude that is set against an album Kacey Musgraves like take on pop country. It works better than "Please, Please, Please" which is the second song,  Yet, even that song might be more solid than the hip-hop elements that begin to creep into "Good Graces" which gives it a more homogenized sound. I can hear where mainstream music critics might be split over this sort of thing, After all, she is a straight white girl not making any big statements. All of these things could be said of most modern female country singers. 

"Sharpest Tool" highlights the album's weakness, which is the drum programming could slap more. The vocals are really well produced. Some chances are being taken in the overall sound as it does not follow the safe formula many of these artists follow. There are lots of guitars being used on this album perhaps as many as the typical Taylor Swift album. "Coincidence" is a little more middle-of-the-road with its casual strum. Lyrically it's got charm that goes a long way most of the time. "Bed Chem' brings in 80s pop that carries a bit of a disco feel. This song works well for what she is doing. Some of the more spoken sections seem like Taylor Swift's producers were giving them notes. But if you are making pop in 2024, how can that not be the bullseye to success. 

"Espresso' is being called the best song, which in my mind means it has to but against "Taste". I think the more organic "Taste" might still work more flawlessly. "Dumb & Poetic" finds her competing more against Lana Del Rey and Musgraves. Though it does not flow as easily as their songs. She leans more in the country direction for "Slim Pickings" This actually works better than most of her pop songs. "Juno" moves back in the disco direction. The chorus does not hit as well as the verses.  "Lies to Girls" finds the strum of an acoustic guitar, not coming anywhere close to what Tay Tay can do with them. 'Don't Smile" reverts back to early 80s R&B. It's another breakup song, though this one does not have its teeth bared in the same catty manner that works so well for her. I will give this one an, 8.5 and see if it grows on me. 


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