Tuesday, August 13, 2024

DAUFØDT : "Glitter"

This band from Norway attacks you with a hateful style of hard-core that is sharp and metallic.  When things shift to a more punk rock tempo the angry snarl of Annika Homme retains its scowl of disdain. They do not run with the fact this is a female-fronted band. They just focus on kicking your ears in. The band lays into the songs with a tight expression of disdain. "Toxic" finds things riding an explosive tension. She backs off on the viciousness slightly in some of the more punk rock moments but her roar is generally at the forefront. 

You do not hear the band's more experimental side until "Over ended". It rages at high speeds while sticking to a more rock-n-roll swagger.  The bass lays down the tempo leading into "Falske Vekkelser', which builds into something more jagged and noise-centered. At just over nine and a half minutes, it lays the drone on thick enough before it converges into a more coherent song. It builds into a noisier throb that without the harsh chant of the vocals might not feel like a song. It's a long song for a band that falls on the more extreme end of punk, This is three albums into their career so even when they experiment a bit they still know what they are doing. 

"Verre" has a bigger rock sound, before hurtling into the punk pink that breaks out when the song kicks it.  I can hear some common ground with a band like Kvelertak. "Ver gar under" charges full speed ahead, though the band does drape things in space sounds. The mood grows a little darker for 'Skjelvet". It broods with the more atmospheric chords. "Myriaden" is just an interlude where the chords ring out to create an ambient wave of sound. Then things close in a more typical punk panic attack.  I will round this one up to a 9.5, as its' sound focused without sacrificing the raw aggression.


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