Tuesday, January 30, 2024

The Last Temptation of Taylor Swift

I think anyone who has read this blog for any length of time, might be aware of the fact I'm a pretty big Taylor Swift fan, she has pretty much set the bar for what pop music should be around here. For someone who is so in control of their career, it is odd watching this odd public perception regarding who she is and what she represents. As someone who up to this point has possessed a keen sense of charisma regarding her steering of public perception, it feels like she is coming to a bend in the road. She has been too keen and perhaps cooly calculating in her brand, and it begins to make you wonder about certain theories that gained a groundswell of support online. Before we dive into that let's talk about the more irritating elements that are out of her control. 

These irritants come from people who are not Swifties. In fact, they can not decide if they love her or hate her. At one moment they are claiming she is an environmental terrorist, and decrying the fact that she is a billionaire, reminding you that Billionaires are not just Elon Musks of the world but that Swift is included in that number. Then those very same people want to use her as the symbol of feminism and make her the champion invading football games, which they feel is sticking it to toxic masculinity. Some might be ready to scoff at these words and try to lump me in with those same dreaded men when I do not watch Football or any other sport regardless of Tay Tay's involvement in the games. In fact, I say don't discourage little girls from watching football because of Taylor Swift, discourage them from watching it because it's a mindless waste of time. Another confusing element people get confused since I am an avid gym goer, they assume that means I also like sports because pro athletes go to the gym too. The real reason I work out is to become a post-apocalyptic overlord, not to play good sports ball.

Granted we should not care about the opinions of someone whose beliefs carry such little integrity that they sway in such a way that they are willing to use people as the example of champions for the narrative of the day. If you don't like Taylor Swift cause she is a billionaire, oh well, she is not losing sleep over that will charge more for her next tour that you can't afford either. She is an environmental terrorist you say? Last time I checked we got oil tankers burning in oceans, this world is going down the shitter, it's too late, so prepare to die. Death is a natural part of the life cycle embrace it, it's your ego telling you otherwise. 

that leaves us with this ....

Gaylor Swift As with any conspiracy the best way to question its validity is to ask how much money is at stake

a lot and that is not even getting to the money Swift could stand to lose if she was an out lesbian who was not welcomed to tour in certain countries or her albums were banned in them. She likes money, so much so she has re-recorded her entire catalog to stay in control of the publishing rights as she knows that is where the real money lies. Good for her. Not surprising if she uses a "beard" to do so and keep the illusion going. Though imagine if she gave this kind of drag king performance at the Super Bowl 


 I am fine with it either way, some of my favorite artists are sexually complicated people ...Morrissey, David Bowie, Ghaal, Rob Halford, Miley Cyrus, Ani Difranco, and Elton John. I think it adds dimension to who they are as artists, by tapping into wider ranges of energy. It's also unlikely Swift falls on the same end of the spectrum as the Indigo Girls. However, the elaborate subterfuge is an old Hollywood trick going back to the 1920s. But it does make you wonder if her press agent is not responsible for her AI porn. If she is wheeling and dealing with the reptiles. Who knows, I don't care, I am not using her as anything but a pop singer who makes great music, she is more of a distraction from the end of the world, than a herald of it. But if you are using her to push your agendas and narrative, she is a complex person you do not get to pick and choose, what fits the point you are trying to make, if you want her as your feminist poster girl, she is also the Queen of Capitalism who is willing to create an Oz to rule her kingdom, perhaps the girl behind the curtain just wants to watch the world burn with her cats as she pays for her elite bunker below. 

pst 44

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