Sunday, January 21, 2024

Livgone : "Almost There"


This gloomy band from France plays a doomy style of rock that is shrouded in atmosphere. Elise's vocals are typically sung from a purposeful alto. Things do not get to the full extent of weirdness they are capable of until the second actual song, which progresses from an ebbing chant into a spaced-out ambiance. I appreciate their willingness to experiment, but think they could have gotten the point across and cut some of it back in post-production. Not sure it warrants making it a ten-and-a-half-minute song. 

"Watching Them Feel" makes better use of their tendency toward atmospherics, as the drums are still allowed to give it some drive. There is almost a shoe gaze-like feeling to this. The guitars shimmer as they are tremolo-picked with post-rock grandiosity. This is well contrasted by the lighter whimsy of the vocal melody before being thrust back into an even more powerful storm. They know how to use dynamics to the fullest effect.  This allows them to create something unique and they are not prone to wear their influences on their sleeves. Though with that said "Dance  So I Can" feels a little more like Raspuntina. They do build it up into something heavier and more doomy. 

The album then goes in a more chilling and dissonant direction with the vocals spoken over an almost black metal tremble of guitar. It is an effective sound, but I prefer the more song-oriented direction they were in just before this. Then the last track is just four and a half minutes of ambient noise. I will give this album a 9, I really like the actual songs, some of the more droning stretches of ambiance I can do without.  This is coming out March 22nd on Svart Records, a good start for the label. 


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