Thursday, January 25, 2024

Inquisition : " Veneration of Medieval Mysticism and Cosmological Violence"

 The notorious Columbian black metal duo is back. They hammer it out in a manner that is more in line with their 2010 album "Ominous Doctrines of the Perpetual Mystical Macrocosm". They love long titles to both albums and songs. Many of the songs are possessed by an eerie throb while Dagon gives his best croak. It sits more forward in the mix on this album and has a drier sound to it. At times a few phrases declared in a more spoken tone. The guitars are placed oddly in the mix, single not leads mixed to the front while the main riffs churn behind the crash of the drums. It is one of those odd mixes that creates an interesting effect that gives the overall sound of the album a unique charm. 

"Force of Death is the Force of Life" is the first song where these guys move at a more blasting speed. Granted that is four songs into the album, so that works as they have already established they are writing songs here and not just out for a blast fest. The blast beats are used in a more balanced dynamic manner on "Memories Within an Empty Castle in Ruins". Incubus' drumming is particularly on point for this album as the barrage of double bass he pours on for "Primordial Philosophy and Pure Spirit" works really well. They lay out a pretty literal understanding of their beliefs in "Infinity is the Aeon of Satan". This also might underline the most articulate presentation of their vocals to give the message a more pronounced platform. 

"Light of My Dark Essence" finds an interesting shift in some of the guitar sounds. The more aggressive under current rages in the background of more melodic layers. These guys are not one of the heaviest black metal bands, but they are one of the more thoughtful ones. He actually makes an attempt to sort of sing for a phrase or two on "Secrets from the Wizard Forest of Forbidden Knowledge". There are moments where things pick up in intensity, but I am not sure it is something I really need from them as I am pretty entertained by their weirder leanings. This is thankfully the direction they take the title track.  Over all this album is enjoyable I will give it a 9 and see how it grows on me, if you are a fan then this is not a stretch , though more melodic. 


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