Saturday, May 6, 2023

RUIM : "Black Royal Spiritism – I – O Sino da Igreja "


Former Mayhem guitarist Blasphemer or Rune Eriksen created the project in 2020 with Aggressor drummer Cesar Vesvre, they tend to bathe in atmosphere in a more ritualistic manner than Mayhem. The opening track "Blood. Sacrifice. Enthronement" shows a willingness to linger in the shadows rather than just go for the throat with a barrage of blast beats the entire time. Inspired by his studies in Brazilian witchcraft, the album  lets itself simmer in the unknown. Why a Norwegian is drawn to Brazilian witch craft rather than something of a more Northern European current is an interesting paradox to ponder when it comes to this album. It also makes sense when you use that as a metaphor as to where these arrangements are going , like when four minutes into the song everything breaks down to the minimal strum of guitar. There is something unnerving about how it is done , but that is part of the point to this. 

I think hard core Mayhem fans will still find plenty to appreciate in regard to the direction this album heads. The harsher vocals work like the raspy whisper of a witch calling out from the woods. When it comes to fully immersing in the more occult musings this album explores, I just focus on the music.. As a student of the occult myself , I appreciate the enthusiasm of student  that inspires a musician to fell the need to carry forth in their art. Energy wise it is not of the same current I pursue but I appreciate the zeal with which he has set this in motion with. The second song broods further into the darkness, even when the more aggressive elements come crashing in. The writhing pulse of the riff before things speed up was making me happy, so I am sad to hear that replaced with blast beats, which could very well be the blast beats from any other black metal band. This also sounds more like Mayhem, which if I were him is something he should distance himself from. The drumming is the most impressive element. 

The sinister ambiance they create to haunt these songs with might be the most inspired element of the music ,as at the core of their sound is your typical black metal rage. If you are a fan of by the numbers black metal then that will satisfy you, though the fact you listen to black metal means that unless you really are just a kid into punk that is trying to get into metal you probably don't think your favorite band plays it safe, so this might seem really left of center to you. It's all about perspective. The song does have some manic ebb and flow. Once again bringing us back to the fact that it's the sinister ambiance that is the best part of that equation. 

The title track brings the clang of even more eerie guitar chords ringing out. The build is slower on this song , allowing for the storm to build. When it seems like the drums are going to be allowed to wreck havoc they ebb things down, which is what this album needs more of , the unexpected. When it does build into a blazing fast tension of tremolo picking at least there has been something to give it more contrast. They do not always use that kind of restraint as heard on the more feral explosion that is "Evig Dissonans" . It blast by with reckless abandon, doing little to separate itself out from the pack. Half way into the song the sonic lashing of the blast beats is hard to endure., The little singing offered is mixed way back. The chug to "Fall of Seraphs' reminds you there is a more effective sort of way to go about this. The vocals retain more depravity in their exclamations. This makes up for some of the more traditional thrashing coming from the guitars. 

"AO Rio" is more of an interlude than a song as it just drones on the same atmosphere the entire time without going anywhere. While I like the sounds assembled I need it to have more dynamics, so for the purpose of this review I am not counting it as a song. The last song is more of what you would expect from black metal. It blasts along with the thrashing fury from which the genre was spawned from. I will give this album an 8, if you are a huge Mayhem fan then obviously check this out, it is what you want from black metal,. this album is being released on Peaceville. 

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