Wednesday, February 1, 2023

The Top 200 Greatest Rock Singers - 10 to 1

Now we are in the top 10, where I really had to be honest with myself; in what we are doing here which is focusing not only on technical vocal ability, in terms of range and power, as well as their dynamics, phrasing and the overall character of their voice. Can they emote from different places? How well does their voice hold up live? . How they control a crowd or their entertainment value as performers is also not a factor; there are some great front men who are also sub-par singers. There are also not going to be any Bob Dylan like singers, who are better songwriters than vocalists.

Pop singers, are far and few between, with; a few country or jazz singers who crossover just enough to qualify for this list, while having a significant influence on rock music. Don't expect rappers on this list or metal vocalists who just scream or growl, but never actually sing. I am keen on singers who are derivative of other singers. The bulk of these do their own thing, the few paying tribute to other artists made enough of an impact with their music. Having a unique vocal quality is going to be one of the most important factors often trumping technical ability. If they sound too much like Steve Perry from Journey after listening to their vocal coach rather than developing their own style, it is also not going to fly. Some of these might have been ignored by mainstream music media, now at the top 10, I am sure it makes sense, so here are the Top 200 greatest rock singers.


 When I saw Sade in 1993 for "Love Deluxe" I was blown away. She shed a great deal of the restraint she uses in the studio and showed the real power she has. I also came up with the theory she might also be a siren who uses her voice to drain people sexually like a succubus. 


9-Freddie Mercury

He is not the only operatic singer in the top 10. Sure he was powerful live, sometimes his health in the last tours of the 80s caused his voice to wane from what they did in the studio, but no one can say he is anything less than amazing. Brian May and Roger Taylor deserve a foot note in his entry as the held their own harmonizing with him and both took over the mic at times. 



Hard to say if he was a better guitarist or singer, since he was always flawless at both every time I saw him live. He had a great scream and impressive notes in his lower register for a little guy. He made songs about masturbation and god sound equally sexual.



I used to be obsessed with watching VHS tapes of his Vegas residency. I collected them. Even at his most fucked up, forgetting the words and laughing at himself moments, he hit every fucking note .He did not have to write his own songs, because as soon as he sang a song it was his no matter if George Harrison or Frank Sinatra sang the original. 


 6-Elizabeth Fraser

I do not think the guardians of the realm she was from meant for her to sing live. The results were always bizarre, so going off the recorded work she created, she was not singing for our mortal ears were were just lucky enough to hear her.

5 David Bowie

When Bowie left this Earth, some one in my mental health support circle told me, I did not need to fall into a deep depression , because Bowie was only meant to bring the music down from the cosmos to the people then get beamed back up. His voice was a reflection of that sentiment.


 4-Robert Plant 

When it comes to rock of the harder variety then it is clear Plant is the last man standing. Zep was not a metal band, but he delivered his vocals with the kind of bombast that would inspire generations of metal singers to come. That just happened to only be one aspect of who he was as a singer. 


 3-Roy Orbison 

How did Roy beat out Robert Plant? Well I am sure Plant would agree he should bow out in favor of Roy. In 1961, there was little in the way of effects and he did not have a Jimmy Page experimenting with mic placement and what hall way of the castle he should sing in. He just stepped up to the mic and poured himself into every note. One of the most powerful voices ever.


 2-Kate Bush

 Do yourself a favor and watch her show at the Hammersmith. She not only knocks out notes fit for a top tier soprano but she does it while dancing ballet, because it was no big deal .She would be number one if I had not witnessed the fury of the top singer in person, Kate I only have her legacy to pine after.


 1-Lisa Gerrard 

I have seen more than my fair share of actual opera. When I went to see Dead Can Dance, the first notes Lisa uttered were more powerful than ny singer of any opera I had ever witnessed. Not to mention the sublime breadth of range her work in the studio has touched upon. Dead Can Dance might not be a rock band in the sense that most of the songs they cover are 400 years old, but there are rock elements and rock bands have been inspired by them. She is a force of nature.

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