Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Ritual Fog : " But Merely Flesh"

 This band from Tennessee attacks with a very deliberate groove that is not unlike Obituary at times. When they pour on the speed for the second song, the more rabid moments remind me a little of Rigor Mortis. The vocals are varied, sometimes more snarled, and others growled more with varied tones. The lyrics are articulated enough to know what the songs are about. These guys have not only captured the sound of the era they are paying homage to but also care about writing songs. The drummer is capable of keeping a steady flow of double bass going.  On "Nocturnal Suffering" they charge in but rein things back for the verse, which is more death metal in the vocal spew.

The riffs blend all the eras of the genre they are taking from with a lower grit to the guitars that bring a heavier more modern feel. There is a bigger more crushing Morbid Angel-like sound to " Demented Procession" but a raw feral nature like early Death or "Bonded By Blood" Exodus when it comes to the vocals. The vocals are more forward in the mix like Combat Records era thrash. They show more of what they are capable of when using enough restraint to keep things at a purposeful pounding. I think the darker guitar melodies are some of the album's strongest moments as they wink in the direction of doom without it being an attempt to hop on the death-doom bandwagon. "Fog Sermon"  is not the album's most focused song, but works for what it does well enough. 

The band's thrash influence has been touted a great deal and the first riff I hear that really alludes to that is on "Carnal Pain". I  like when the song breaks down to the bass and drums hammering it out in a crusty fashion. They grind into a filthier raw-edged take on death metal for "Sentient Chamber" that finds its groove 30  seconds in. Midway into the song, they veer off into a creepy atmosphere that works well. The title track that closes the album leans into the flood of steady double bass to give the song a monolithic drive. I will give this album a 9, as they set themselves apart from the current death metal pack, without simply becoming another tribute to the glory days of the Tampa scene. This drops November 29th on Transcending Obscurity Records. 


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