Saturday, September 7, 2024

Hell is Real : "Scared of the World "


There is more groove to this than I expected. The vocals are higher pitched like black metal. The tempos vary but the opening track is kept at a very steady pace.  You can still make out the lyrics as Eric Blum articulates his hateful message. They are capable of taking your head off from the power of their chug. The first song they pour on a hyper-thrashing speed is "One Way Out". Even in this song, they vary the tempo, but I prefer the first two songs. "Burnt By the Sun" is more uptempo. It sounds more like blackened hardcore. The guitar tone on this album is very mean. They balanced out the raw organic sound they had with enough gain to bring a great heavy tone. 

I like the anti-Christian theme that seems to be their brand it's done in a less fantasy manner than Slayer, and is still in your face. They thrash frantically for "Kill Yourself for God". Some of the riffs are beyond brutal in how they attack your ears. They are anti-a lot of things, one of them being people as heard on "Emotional Support Gun". It carries an impressed hardcore stomp. The syncopated hooks work well. "Christ Junkie" finds them charging at more of a manic punk tantrum.  "Flase Profit" almost heads in the direction of grindcore with its spastic nature.  Their cover of Nine Inch Nail's "Last" works really well. 

The guitar tone shifts to a clean acoustic for " Nothingness".  It is a more brooding song, with a very deliberate riff structure. But aside from that it is an instrumental, as the narrative is a sample running over it. "Image Addiction' falls into a more rapid thrash. They dig into more depth and atmosphere in the last song. Overall they care about brutality in the best ways possible, I will give it a 9. 


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