Monday, May 13, 2024

Ten Ton Slug : "Colossal Oppressor"


This band from Ireland grind out a very deliberate brand of death metal that carries a crushing chug. There are some sludge tendencies in how they turn the riffs around, but aggression is the theme for the day here. The first song makes it hard to deny that this is really well done, and the guitars sound great. The chugged-out riffs do what Death Metal should do perfectly. For this to be their debut album they are really killing it. The riffs are not only heavy and demand your head banging, but they are pretty catchy for what they are doing. The vocals trade off between a commanding roar, to a higher snarl.. The fact they are not giving into the need for speed most death metal bands serve is one of their assets. 

The bass steps up and gives "Ancient Ways" more of a backbone. This is the first song where I begin to hear a little of the sludge influence. It reminds me of early Mastodon in a few places, but back then they were pretty close to death metal as well. Karl from Bolt Thrower joins them on "Brutus" while he lends his growl to the song, it is not really noticeable enough as it is still in the band's wheelhouse. "Mindless and Blind" rolls off of a tense palm-muted groove. The growl of the vocals works well enough but is pretty much what we have heard from them. The vocals are articulated enough to make out more lyrics than you might typically discern from death metal. They thrash things out a little more on what might be the chorus. 

The 90s sludge groove that grew out of when metal bands intersected with grunge, really possesses the last song. It even leads to actual singing. It might be the album's most accessible song. I think mainstream metal audiences that are only able to digest the more mainstream strains of death metal will find lots to love with these guys, and they are still legit enough for death metal hipsters. I will give this album a 9, very solid death metal. 


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