Friday, May 17, 2024

Gatecreeper : "Dark Superstition"

 Right out the gate, they are creeping with harder-hitting riffs, that carry a more hardcore influence punch to them. This is the band's third album and it sounds like not only are they coming into their own, but stepping into the spotlight to earn a larger metal audience. There is more of an Entombed like grit to "Oblivion".  This works but it's not as finely tuned as the opening track. It certainly earns headbanging. "the Black Curtain" does not compromise the death metal nature of the band, but is hookier. The vocals feel like they have more purpose than what I can recall from their previous albums. 

They continue to dig into meatier grooves with "Masterpiece of  Chaos". It's not chaotic, but the verses to find them pouring on more speed than the opening riff. Matt's drumming really steps it up on this album to help push the band over into greatness. With this comes a sense of groove that something leans more in a rock direction on the title track. There are hints of a more hardcore stomp, but it all works together pretty seamlessly. " A Chilling Aura" feels like a little more restraint could be used, there are some cool riffs at the beginning that are not really fleshed out as they step on the gas. Not a bad song, but I think they could have employed elements more effectively. Blasting just was not the answer. 

The more thrash accents to the powerful chug of "Caught in the Treads" however works really well and shows they do know what their most effective path is. It's big in an Amon Amarth manner but without the silly Viking appropriation. The bass line that kicks off "Flesh Habit" works really well, and sets up the song for some excellent grooving. There is a slight "Wolverine Blues' era Entombed sense of boogie to it.  Can also hear traces of late '90s death metal as well. "Mistaken for Dead" hammers away in more of an Entombed-like direction. The last song opens with a more death-doom feel and keeps things in a very purposeful pace that works well. I will give this album a 9.5, it is the band's most impressive display of songwriting yet. 


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