Friday, May 17, 2024

OMSORG : "Echoes"


There are hundreds of promos sitting in my inbox, so rather than waste my time clicking around the inner web, better use of my time might be checking some of these out and reviewing the best of them. Northern European hardcore is always something worth checking out.. Denmark is a country that has brought me a great deal of cool hardcore so this band is worth a listen. They are angry, but not venting this in the kind of burly metallic manner most hardcore bands  Some of this is in their more organic guitar tone. They can pound the point home without having to chug it like Slayer;. While I like metallic hardcore if you are not a band like Terminal Nation, then I would rather you try a different approach as it gets too close to the kind of metalcore I don't like. 

Most hardcore wants to look back at this place in the mid-90s when hardcore gained a more emotional and reflective tone which is something I can appreciate if it is done well and it is really excelled at on "Modern Misery". Sung vocals are included as well as sparse gang vocals for those who feel that sort of thing is a must in hardcore music. Much like blast beats in black metal a little goes a long way and thankfully these guys know that. Everything here is done in a very well-balanced manner. They might not be the most intense or tough-sounding hardcore band you are going to hear, but they are great songwriters;

We get more from the conventions of hardcore in the last song. It is angular in a unique way that does not pack the punches where you would expect them to. It is still more straightforward in many respects particularly when they really gain momentum, though this is balanced out by some melodic sonic touches of guitar. I have not paid any attention to the bass playing on this album, which is odd as the album is otherwise well produced, though midway into the last song my ears find the rumble of bass. This is not screamo, but they do share some of the sonic touchstones screamo makes use of.  The vocals are more purposeful and serve the songs rather than just being an expulsion of anger. I will give this album a 9.5, I really enjoyed it a great deal and you will as well if you want some melodic hardcore not unlike what came out in the late 90s 


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