Saturday, March 1, 2025

Pariah : "Violence is a Curse"


Another band from the UK where sludge collides with hard-core. Damn, fish and chips got these mother fuckers pissed. The chugged hook the main riff comes down on is pretty badass, and they keep things both dark and dissent with feedback squealing at from the furious corners of the song. It is not surprising that this was released on Cursed Monk Records. The ballistic attack of the second song finds more of hard-core's punk roots bubbling up from the flurry. At a minute and a half, it gets to the point. In many ways, this reminds me of Nails. Right down to the overall dark and dense sound of the production. 

"Within My Skin" reminds me a little of the first song. It does carry a more malicious stomp. There is a very Entombed-like sound to these kinds of bands. They have certainly captured Entombed's guitar sound. They take a more rapid-fire plan of action in beating you with it on "Endless Circles". It is the kind of straightforward almost punk rumbling I am not a huge fan of, but I do like it when they go into a deliberate chug. I do understand the appeal of these guys as they are heavy as hell and have more hardcore feel to them.   

I had to listen to the last song a second time before I paid attention to it, as the album begins to take on a uniform rumble as the vocals do not shift a great deal. Once I hear the pervading shadow of Entombed lurking over the sound of this album I can not unhear, but you might not be that observant, and this will sound like the most original thing ever to your ears. Regardless, these guys are capable at the execution of this and it feels like despite wearing their influences on their sleeves that this is coming from an honest place so I will give this album an 8.  

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