Sunday, March 2, 2025

Kavernist : "Demo"


We adopt all sorts of genres we identify with. This German band adopts many, but I hear a crusty death metal band. They are more metal than punk. The rock n roll that thrives in the riffage of  "Scum" is not as aggressive as the opening track that feels much more death metal. I can hear punk influence, but punk influence vs being an actual punk band are two different things. This might be a demo, but whatever they are doing here they should not change, I mean maybe fuck with the mic placement on the drum, and mix them a little, but I would not want to hear these guys get overproduced on a label like Relapse, as it would some of the charm heard here.

"trembling" is even rawer, it is not until. things drop back to a more deliberate stomp that the song really takes form, so when they speed up into more of a frantic thrashing they lose the feeling that was working for them. This is where I stop and think 'Well this is only a demo so they do have room to grow" , but this sounds better than many bands' debut albums. The last song 'Ready to Serve" falls back into death metal, but they are coming at it from a different angle as this sounds more like Obituary to me. The vocals help this, which means they are spewed with a more desperate cry. I can do without the way things speed up, here. But the vocals sound great for what this is since, if I am comparing you to John Tardy you are doing something right, as he has a more unique vocal style than most. 

If you told me these guys were from Tampa, I would not be surprised, but this is not what I expect to hear from a German band. This makes them an exception as perhaps they have romanced American death metal so much that it has taken all the regional influence out of what they do. I will give this a 9, as it holds a great deal of potential and I would like to hear where they go from here. I hope with growth they do not stray too far from where they are at present. The brought the rock n roll fun to death metal. 

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