Saturday, April 13, 2024

Full of Hell : "Coagulated Bliss"

 Two songs in and  I can already tell it's better than "Garden of Burning Apparitions". From a production standpoint, it's more organic. Not darker, in fact, more punk than the sludge-tinged gnarliness that comprised their guitar tone on other albums. The guitarist claims that he learned how to serve the song during their sessions for the album with Nothing. Things here reflect that due to the fact it is angular and mathy, but not spastic. The vocals are more deliberate as well. There are very cohesive moments in "Doors to Mental Agony". This is not to say that their grindcore side has been replaced, it just occupies a more focused section in what they do. 

"Transmuting Chemical Burns" is a little more riffing as it ranges from thrashy to more blackened in sections. Most of all it makes sense. It's like they said let's quit fucking around and write some actual songs. There is a little darker tone to "Fractured Bonds to Mecca".  They rock around this mood in a more punk manner for the title track which clocks in at under a minute and a half. In contrast, it takes almost two minutes for "Bleeding Horizon" to kick in.  it moves more like a sludge dirge. The pace picks up to a marginal extent. The return to a quick burst of death metal for "Vomiting Glass". It's just under a minute long, "Schizoid Rupture" almost sounds like a continuation of the song, except for a call and response of low death metal vocals gurgling after the more frantic screams. 

"Vacuous Dose" comes close to having rock n roll riffs in it. This album is not as heavy, but the songwriting has greatly improved over the last album. There is a lapse into their old ways on "Gasping Dust" that reverts to feeling like a burst of rushed heaviness. Then there is the angular stomp of "Gelding of Men" which is much more original and is a fresh new take on the genre. "Malformed Ligature" is another more deliberate hooky riff before blasting off into something more hard-core. It then slows back down into something almost melodic. I will give this album a 9 making it perhaps their best . This album is being released on Closed Casket Activities.  


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