Monday, August 24, 2020

Jesus Wept : "Apartheid Redux"

Hmmm if you are going to try to sound like 90s Carcass I guess that is ok, as I wish their last abum sounded more like that. So you get some punchy hooky death metal.I am not sure how ong it will keep my attnetion as I aleady own all the Carcass albums. This is the ban'd 2017 ep that has been re mixed and mastered so getting it's first proper release on Redefining Darkness Records. A label I find to be fairy reliable. The 41 seconds of the grindcore version of Carcass, is a waste. They do not pus their lyrics from medical books and instead spew some heavy metal pseudo Satanic nonsense. When they slow down they avoid the Carcass comparison and you begin to hear who they are.  Also this guys lower growls do not sound like the lower growls of Carcass. They are not that original when it comes to a lower growl but it is what it is.

This is the guitar's game for sure. It plays to their benefit on a song like "Jesus In Chain" where the guitars are really strong and add meodic value. Not the album's most overt Carcass moment, which plays into their favor as well. "Comfortably Dumb" is back on the Carcass shit, but it's ok as the hooky riffs have some thought into them as well as the arrangement.  "Fucked On the Cross" is not as well crafted as the previous songs and fees kinda dialed in . The vocas do fall neatly atop the guitars so the songs is not a waste. It also has one of the album's best guitar solos , and a creepy atmospheric middle section.

They close the abum with a pretty decent cover of WASP's "Fuck Like a Beast". Overall this is a pretty solid death metal abum. If you miss Carcass or are too young to remember their glory days then you might be more impressed. It's not making my end of the year list, but will give it an 8.5 ,as I enjoyed the listens I got and they are good at what they do.

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