Monday, June 8, 2020

Death is June -Temple Nightside : " Pillars of Damnation"

This band came out of the Austrailian black metal scene. Why it ends up being more death metal. Egregor is a word I mention frequently when it comes to what music comes from what regio, It means the collective group mind. Here the mind is ancestoral . There is a black metal feel to this brand of dark and dirty death metal, but it happens in a very organic manner. It also makes me realize what an influence Incantation had on black metal. We are four albums deep here so these guys know what they are doing. "Death Eucharist" charges ahead full speed, but even with the blasting I had high hopes for the stage they set. They certainly have a sound. But how does this sound translate into songs. That takes a little more planning than they ended up investing. This second listen through to this album makes it more apparent.

I do not condone the torture of animals. Yet what I imagine to be a similar sound comes from the chaos of the third song. Song is a loose use of the word when referring to what goes on. You might be eager to defend a band that is heavy for the sake of heavy. You should also kill yourself/.  I love eavy music. I have devoted a month of my life to listening to death metal. There is also another month devoted to black metal and another still to doom. Give me any death metal album that has stood the test of time and I can sing to you the songs no matter how brutal they are as they can be conveyed in a manner than is memorable. Nothing is memorable about some of the snarling tantrums recorded here. Some whispering leads into the buzz saw guitar of "the Carrion Veil". The mood is rather grim. I can endorse the mood. But can I endorse the song?

"Wreathed in Agony" has more melody to the creeping guitar making it more of a memorable moment. When they step on the gas for the tremolo death metal standard charge into battle , it fades into background music as the buzz all runs together. The whispered vocals help break things up a little going into "In Absentia". Falling into a caven is cool. But it can not be the only key to your sound.  The last sound sounds spooky and ominous, but barely held together with melody to make it a song. I will round this album down to a 7.5, I think the reasons are clear enough .This album comes out August 7th if any one thinks they are going to live that long.

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