These guys are a more progressive take on nu-metal, they remind me equally of Slipknot and Pain of Salvation. They are quirky in a similar vein as System of a Down, though I think darker which plays in their favor and I would also argue that they are heavier than a band like Avatar. There is also a wannabe gangsta side to this band that lets me believe Juggaloos might also be into these guys. "Bang Guns" is rap rock with a well produced chorus that gives the song a kick. I would rather here some of this ghetto ass shit that some one talking about politics they have no clue about and are just trying to fall on the popular opinions of the kids. "A Million Dollars" just doesn't flow as well as the first few songs. "45" stays closers to hip hop and the grooves work much better. This guys is more of a rapper than a singer.
"What's Gotten into Me" is darker , but it doesn't feel as focused and the vocals come across as more of a freestyle spoken word. He does make a little more of an attempt to sing on the blues tinged "Black Rifle". It reminds me of one of the songs from the last In This Moment album. The choir that joins in might be a little , but over all the song works. "God is Watching" carries a similar tension that the other songs have, though with a little more breathing room. There is a little more of an introspective spoken word tone with a similar hint of blues already touched upon with on "Wade in the Water". They begin exploring more melodic touches with "Sing me to Sleep",
I think there is less posing going on considering the arrest record these guys have built for themselves, which gives it a more honest quality than bands like Limp Bizkit that came before. These guys are darker and heavier perhaps not in a metallic sense , but in the weight of what they are doing. While the vocals are somewhat limited they are more versatile than if this album depended on rapping alone, so more along the lines of a metal Post Malone. I'll give it a 9.
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