It's been a somewhat iffy year for rock music, but here is the cream of the current crop. Keep in mind this is limited to just rock music and I will be posting the metal and goth/industrial lists throughout the week.
15-Iggy and the Stooges - Ready to Die
The fact this was not half bad gets it the honorable mention spot of number 15, if Iggy had left his secret love of country to a solo album rather than slap the Stooges name on it, this would have scored higher.
14-Hollow Sunshine- Held Above
A great droney throw back to the 90's . The indie leanings keep it from making the metal list.
13-Dumb Numbers-s/t
Another hard hitting dose of shoe gazing, this time from a super group of 90's veterans.
12-Blood Ceremony - the Eldritch Dark
Female fronted stoner rock that conjures up Jethro Tull albums from hazy drug summers long forgotten.
11- the World is A Beautiful Place & I am No Longer Afraid to Die - Whenever, if Ever
Emo is alive and well on this stunning debut. They left the haircuts at home and are focused on writing dynamic songs.
10- Kylesa-Ultraviolet
Just because they evolved away from being metal it isn't a bad thing given the darker direction this album takes.
9- Nouns- Still Bummed
If Hot Water Music got stoned with Modest Mouse the results might be similar put less noisy.
8-Iceage-Your'e Nothing
Your favorite Icelandic punkers are growing up and they are depressed about it.
7- The Devil's Blood- Tabula Rasa
Their swan song is pretty epic.
6-Selim Lemouchi & His Enemies - Earth Air Spirit Water Fire
Selim didn't make us mourn the Devil's Blood for long. The guitarist takes you on the darkside of his moon.
5-the Black Heart Rebellion-Har Nevo
Really dark and primal, heavy but not quiet metal , this former hard core bands matures in the best way possible.
4-Merchandise-Totale Nite
Normally I don't like e.p.s , but I will take whatever I can get from this Florida band.
3- Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds-Push the Sky Away
Cave is keeping it classy.
2-Sigur Ros - Kveikur
The Icelandic band comes down from the clouds to add some balls to their new album.
1-David Bowie - The Next Day
It's not Bowie's best album, but it's pretty impressive that he still has it at 66. Some of these songs do stand up against his classics and that is more than anyone else on this list or any other list can do.
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