Wednesday, July 22, 2020

The Top 50 Thrash Albums of All Time 40- 31

Continuing out countdown of what is the most influential sub-genre of  metal . It opened the door for bands to play louder, harder and faster thus spawning Death metal, black metal, grind core etc.. yeah doom stayed on it's own path. The bands that came out of it are now considered the biggest bands in metal...I mean Metallica and Slayer, come one end of debate. Normally I try to limit it to one album per artist. There are some artists that had much more of an impact so they might get another entry or two. There is thrash ranging from proto-death metal to hard core to power metal bands that evolved with the times. I grew up during the rise of thrash and listened to it through out highschool so some of this is determined by which albums did I listen to the most as they came out and which have endured the test of time. Lets face it none of your Toxic Holocausts or Revocations can touch these bands. They are pretty much tribute bands in comparison.

40- Riot-" the Privledge of Power" 1990

There is still plenty of their more classic metal sound on this album, but the cover of Al Dimeola's "Racing with the Devil on a Spanish Highway" cements their place on this list. It might be the most power metal album on this list, but when they lay on the speed it proves why they are here.

39- Fates Warning- "No Exit" - 1988

 These guys shed some of the classic prog metal leaning for this more in your face release.


38 Wargasm-"Why Play Around" 1988<- 1988="" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen="" are="" around="" as="" band="" due.="" for="" frameborder="0" got="" height="315" hy="" iframe="" it="" itself.="" lack="" lyrics="" make="" music="" never="" out="" play="" rated="" src="" the="" their="" they="" this="" thought="" under="" up="" vocals="" what="" width="560">

The lyrics to this album go beyond the normal metal malarky. Technical yet groove riffs from a under rated band.

37-Forbidden- "Twisted into Form" -1990

Blended classic metal influences with catchy foreward thinking thrash.


36-Prong -"Beg to Differ"1990 

 These groove monsters were my first indication that metal was changing .

35-S.O.D-"Speak English or Die" 1985

When I listen to this album now I often think , what would happen if this album came out today. It gives a middle finger to everything, which is just what kids today need to hear so they are not such pussies.

34- Angkor Wat - "When Obscurity Becomes the Norm" 1989

1989 When this album came out the world was not ready for this band.


33-Dark Angel -"Leave Scars" 1989 

 "Darkness Descends" might be the album the so called metal purists might want here, but they do not know shit because the songs on this one are better.

32- Machine Head- "Burn My Eyes" 1994 

1994 Yeah tis band would eventually turn into shitty nu-metal, but how can you not sing along to the cry of " Let Freedom ring with a shotgun blast"

31- Diamond Head - "Behold the Beginning" 1980

Metallica really ripped these guys off . I mean you do not need "Kill'em All" on here since this album is where it came from . This might be the first thrash album, even though by today's standards it is rock n roll.


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