Monday, July 13, 2020

PGX : " Naive"

An all female punk band from New Zeland is an odd combination of elements. Or were I think one of them has since decided they were a dude . From the pictures I have seen , I am going to guess it was the bass player. One of the guitar players is pretty hot, I even included the promo pic as a point of reference, the one with glasses, yeah, normally I use album covers, but I might as well support my point since I am  sure some 'woke" kids will get pissy about bringing it up as what reflection does it have on their music? Pretty people experience different interactions with the world than ugly ones. This influences life experience which in turn is reflected in the music you make, Now that you have been schooled on that we can move on to how They have the same kind of feminist slant you might expect from this sort of thing, Not that much different when a similar brand of punk got big in the 90s. The first song is more spoken and does not come close to what they do later into this ep.

When I say punk it is a loose term. More crunch in their guitar tone than indie rock. The vocals however lean more in an indie rock direction until things speed up on "Choclate Factory" . The backing vocals are much more punk than the lead vocals as they cheer her along.Not the world's most ambitious musicians. Punk is pretty simplistic and this pushes the envelop for that at times. The more melodic playing brings another set of influences to the table. What works best is when she really sings. Sure it is not as punk, but it is just better musically . "The Shortest Year" is what caught my ear and made me stop to review this album. There is more of a fun loving Bleached type feel to this one. Her vocals shine brightest here. Lyrically it works better as well. I heard this song first , so I know what they are capable of . This might have given me higer expectations for the other songs on the album. I feel this is pretty justified since they have proven they can write a really good fucking song if they want to .

I am not sure what story they are telling on the last song. I think drugs and a tour bus are involved. She is talking her way through this one. It has a crazed narrative once the song builds, think "Institutionalized" by Suicidal Tendencies. I will give this one an 8.5, It's fun and thee gals have a great deal of potential once they refine what is going on here and take notes from the success they have with " the Shortest Year".

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