Monday, November 20, 2023

November is Doom : Robots of the Ancient World : "3737"


This Portland-based band goes in a few different directions, some playing to their strengths more than others. They are a groovy stoner band rooted in metal. Kyus and Clutch can certainly be cited as reference points for bands that inspired their sound. The grunge-tinged Toolish slither of these grooves is appealing, though the vocals are their weak spot. Production is somewhat to blame for this. The vocals sit back in the mix. They are also very raw and dry. They need at least reverb on them. Stylistically it's apparent their singer is into Danzig, but his voice does not carry the same baritone resonance. If you want to sing like Danzig , you must listen to many Elivs and the Doors. I  do not hear the study of either. 

This album's redemption lies in their bass player, and the grooving riffs they lay down. "Holy Ghost" finds things gaining more momentum. The vocals are less than inspired when it comes to the chorus. The song's strength lies in the "Children of the Grave" like gallop that it works off of. "Moustache" finds a great deal of improvement in the nuances of production. This helps the vocals. The riffs are faster and more punchy here. Guitar solos make their presence more known. They shift in guitar tone to a more reverbed-out sound, which works really well. 

"Apallo" is just an acoustic guitar interlude, which would have been better served as the intro to "Silver Cloud". They save their best chorus for the end of the album. It's ambling boogie rocks at a more casual path than the rest of the album. The vocals also find themselves in a more electric boogie spots are jammed out more. It does equate to some great guitar playing. They build the riff into a heavy swirk of sound.   I will give this album an 8.5, the mix is rough and the vocals could have gotten more love in post-production. 

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