Monday, November 20, 2023

November is Doom - Domkraft : " Sonic Moons"


This band from Sweden continues to perfect their brand of sonic bong worship. By perfect, not only sounds better from a production standpoint but moves things in a darker direction with the brooding throb of the bass as it's undercurrent. The riffs have more sinew like old Tool rather than just trying to emulate  Black Sabbath. 'Stellar Winds' builds more momentum from the get-go, but wisely ebbs down to give the vocals room. The vocals do serve more purpose on this album. I like the tension of "Stellar Winds". The world around them has gotten darker so it makes sense their songwriting should take a more apocalyptic turn. What is even more impressive is how they jam off of this song. 

Things get even more intense for the groove of "Magnetism". However, the sonic colors they use, are beginning to blend a bit as it sounded like this was the heavier ending to the previous. Blazing guitar solos, only give a more rock feel, the throb of the songs dictates the direction they are going.'Slowburner' is more of a hefty powered boogie. The palm-muted chug of the verse riff is one of the most compelling factors of the song. It builds pretty predictable, but the groove and drive make up for it. "Downpour" sounds more like something I would hear from a band like Yob, as it is possessed by more of a sludge fury. Proving my point that this album is heavier than the previous one. 

The vocals are yelled with more desperation on "Black Moon Rising" giving things more of a Neurosis feel. "the Big Chill" has more of a rock n roll feel to its bulky lumber. This big sound does not keep things from moving quicker than you think of doom moving. They do shift the dynamics by breaking things down and jamming over it. I will give this album an 8.5, it sounds great and is heavier, but there lies the double-edged sword there is less nuance melody and dynamic. This leads the album to steamroll over you with less nuanced songwriter, but some of you might be into this. 

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