Saturday, April 6, 2024

Trocar : "Extremities"

 This grindcore project which features former members of Fluids, is as weird as it is ambitious. The weirdness is the mix of the album, and how the vocals are handled. I was aware that there were noise and industrial elements I was just unaware of how these were going to be handled. The ample use of effects on the vocals is one. Most of the songs are just over a minute. The first track is more like an intro. This makes the title the first song. It's a blasting minute and nineteen seconds. With oddly croaked vocals. "Orphaned Organs" feels like it is a continuation of the previous song, and I am not sure why they did not just combine the two songs into one two-and-a-half-minute song.  

"Foreign Body Insult" does stand on its own two feet as its own song due to the punk influence in the drumming. They cram a great deal of sound into that minute. The minute of "Perverse Incentives" feels like it should be less of a conjoined twin to the previous song. 'Deinstitutionalize" has the vocals contribute something closer to hooks despite the insane blasting. Almost a minute and a half seems like a favor enough compromise to make a song that is a complete thought. "Skin Like Sky" is a minute of blasting that reminds me of early Carcass. "Psalter of Manias" finds Jamie Stewart lending his voice to the more deliberate industrial crunch. It is one of the album's best songs. 

The 45 seconds that make up "The Willing" prove they can write an actual song in under a minute. "Tithing Offal" finds the additional fifteen seconds pays off. The term cyber-grind seems to best describe the song 'the Lesson".  "Husbandry" is more like a blast of noise, the production feels more muffled on it. "Brazen Head" slows to a more deliberate pace that is more effective, though the production quality did not improve. 

"Weapons Prosper" finds the lyrics cutting through a little more. The attitude is more punk, which also explains why they are content with this lo-fi sound. "Feild Dressed to Egress' is a great song title for a forgettable song.  "Golem" is another example that these guys can write a fucking cool song when they set their minds to it. There is a sung chorus and plenty of samples to solidify the narrative. I will give this album an 8,5, there is a great mood, and cool shit going on, that works within the limitations of production, and adherence to the ADHD nature of grindcore" >pst163

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