Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Apex Predator : "Jesus Wept"


Ok, Seattle has got some hardcore going. Apex Predator has been on my list of hardcore bands to hunt down but just found this album that came out back in January.   This band has just enough tough guy attitude mixed with a metallic sharpness to the guitars, and vocals that embellish things with a few varying growls. The title track is more like a cross-over track from the late 80s, it is almost thrash. "Federal Way of Life" has a burly bass line under it that pumps it up in a manner not unlike a less grind-core version of S.O.D. They lament jailhouse blues on this song that has an almost Biohazard-like bounce to its groove. The breakdown hits just right. 

"the Weight of Repercussion" finds the convict-core message, not holding as much weight. "Nothing" is a more effective display of songwriting, as it sets them apart from the pack. Violent imagery abounds, but from what I have seen of these guys they did not look like they spent much time out in the weight yard if they did any time, Here lies the suspension of disbelief, but the crunch of the riffs, works well enough to balance this out. 'Strength of Determination" finds them conforming more closely to what the hard-core status quo is, though the riff at the chorus is impressive. All the songs clock in at a quick punk under three minutes. 

If it was more mid-paced "Warlord" would be an excellent song to have on a gym playlist. Their bass player continues to bring the beef to their sound. Still to bark out these lyrics they need to shoot a video of them lifting weights to it, so it is not just talk. Or like they say in the last song "Respect is Earned". Musically it feels like these guys are from NYC rather than Seattle.  I will give this album a 9, it's fun and heavy as fuck. 


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