Sunday, August 16, 2020

White Hills: "A Pont in Time " / One Day at a Time"

I combined the reviews of these two EPs from the White Hills qurantine series since "A Point In Time" only has three songs so it seemed like a stretch to write a review for just 3 songs. I think that is where I draw the line. Regular reader can attest I never review singles for this reason. This ep opens with a spaceed out instrumental that takes you to the moon on acid. It is very psychdelic and not the first song in this series of unrealsed tracks that owes something to Jimi Hendrix.  The alternate mix of "Counting Sevens" feels like it was mixed so far in the background and muffle so much that it is not there. I am not sure what they were trying to achieve in doing this . It doesn't sound like from what I can hear that they are doing anything off the beaten path when they originally recorded this . At the five minute mark it begins to turn around, but feels like this jam was half wasted with the muffled quality of the first half . It is a big trippy guitar solo, I am sure effective live but just for every day listening when I no longer get stoned at home or anywhere for that matter is of decreased use.

The last song is a sprawling jammed song that is almost an instrumental until after the first 13 minutes vocals come in during the final two and pull it all together as a song. Once again while this works well live for casual listening it is a lot to commit to when you are driving to the store. So I will give this ep an 8.

They start the same way they ended a "Point in Time " on "One Day At a Time' with a long massive spaced out drug jam. The second time I listened to this song , I got up and did somethings around then house and when I came back to it the ony thing that really changed was they were locked into a Hendrix like guitar solo. It ebbs and flows from this theme breaking down into more of a simmer. There is no question however that they are talented. They roar back with the kind of heavy rock I want to hear more from them on "The last song is heavier on atmosphere than rocking. They create some grreat songs, but it feels like it would be a section of a song rather than a song . I will give this one an 8.5 ,as I prefer it to the more ponderous " A Point in Time" ep. Both are some what similar and if you like the band's space wandering then you will appreciate both releases.

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