Tuesday, August 11, 2020

the Top 40 Hair Metal Albums of All Time - 20 to 11

This might not be  genre most of you associate with me. It is one t I grew up with.Many of these s I still hold dear today . When the 80s were ranging I was not listening to the Cure, I did not get my interest peaked in them til 1990. I listened to music heavier and darker than this in the 80s for sure, but this was the sound of chasing girls at the mall and smoking pot in my cousins car.  I choose 40 since many of these acts represent a time when this kind of music cracked the top 40 . It was a time when MTV began to dominate so image became every thing. Many of these band would put out album that were not metal at all, nor would I consider them metal bands. Granted most are on the low end of the heavy scale, with a few evolvoing into something heavier. I will make a Top 40 Glam Rock albums of all time to clearly contrast the difference, glam rock being more in the vein of Bowie and T-REX. Yes, some of these artists also crossed over into glam , but hair metal has a more cock rocking flair to it and is less androgynous.

These albums are  more about doing cocaine and getting pussy, devoid of any political correctness, none of this would fly in 2020. It would get a hastag for sure. Any this list should speak for itself, in some cases it might not be the most popular album or the album that broke the band through , but the album I feel has the best songs when it comes to hair metal. Remember that as some of these bands have better heavy metal albums, but we are talking about the best to tease your hair up and get a blow job to. So here are the top 40 hair metal albums of all time.

20-Dokken- "Under Lock and Key" 1985

This album crossed the band over into hair metal. Before this they had a harder edge. This one was more polished thanks to the slick production. They are sadly under rated band. Top notch songwriting is their strength along with George Lynch's guitar.

19-Buckcherry- "15" 2005

This one might not love the cocaine as much , but overall the songwriting is better.

18-Dangerous Toys- "s/t" 1989 

 Marketed like a poor man's Guns n Roses, these guys were harder than most with an AC/DC like energy and more snarl to the vocals.


17- Spinal Tap- "This is Spinal Tap"

How much black can it get? the answer is none. When other bands are stuck at 10 with no where else to go these guys went to 11.

16-Twisted Sister- "Love is For Suckers"1987 

 Generally this band is glam metal, but not hair metal as they owe more to Alice Cooper. This album still had an edge but swinging for the hair sprayed arenas. Even then Dee Snider has a great deal of balls to his voice always giving them more of an edge.


15-Faster Pussycat-"Whipped" 1992

 I know this as none of their "Hits" , but it's a better album than their first two. They had more solid songs that allowed them to transition from just being hair sprayed whores of the sun set strip.


14-Def  Leppard -- "Pyromania" 1983

 It was a tough call between this album and "Hysteria" I think this album is more defining of haire metal, where there is less metal to "Hysteria" and more pop.


13-AFI - "Black Sails in the Sunset" 

 Plenty of punk bands crossed over into hair metal, Discharge and TSOL among them. This album just feels more like something LA Guns might have done and while it retains a great deal of the punk in it's dna, there are plenty of 8os moments.


12 Alice In Chains "Facelift" 1990 

 If you can not admit this album is hair metal you have never really listend past "Man in the Box".


11- Lita Ford- " Lita" 1988

 The songwriting on this album gives her this spot. It is almost to slickly produced and would sound better without some of these cheese ball keyboards, but they can't hold these songs back.


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