Saturday, August 1, 2020

Eye of Nix : " Ligeia"

This album goes in two different directions. These are not unforseen. One is darker the other more metallic. Sometimes both happen in the same song. They balance the two out pretty well on the first song. It is a more atmospheric take on similar sonic ground that has been covered by Atriarch. The difference here is the wider range of Joy Von Spain. The second song is more of a straight forward hammering metal affair. It is well done , but they have already shown us they are capable of more. She comes in with her more operatic approach, which reminds me of when Celtic Frost would use similar vocals. "Tempest" finds them back in black. The soprano vocals of Von Spain providing a counter balance. This is my third listen to this album and so far this song has grown on me the most. They are conforming more to what a mainstream black metal audience might expect from them. It could be a worse path they chose.

"Stranded" is dark ,but as a composition makes some odd choices. The more explosive aspects of it are rowdier and more crusty than what I expect from these guys. The title track leans toward black metal , but is dark and melodic enough in the sonic sense to balance things. Then things go back to a darker place with the atmosphere to "Adrift". I think this softer approach to Spain's singing is a better use of her voice than the more grandiose vibrato employed on her more soaring moments. It is a hypnotic dreamy song, but not one that grabs you and makes you want to listen to it again if it were to pop up on shuffle mode. It is a seven and a half minute long song of this kind of ethereal wandering. Is this album well recorded ? Yes. The vocals sound great, when they are not belted with the bombastic Wagner like gusto.

"Stone & Fury"  is like the first song in that it balances out the darker more melancholy melodic moments that carry the tension of a coming storm with their metallic side. By metal here it is almost an old school 80s metal flair, if we are thinking of bands like Celtic Frost of Sodom. Her vocals once again tug this back into a more unique direction. She is resonant here with out going too sky high. It is a nine nd half minute song so there is plenty of room for it to go places.  After a few listens I decided this is out of all the genres they touch upon mainly a black metal album. I will give it an 8.5.  It is a worthwhile listen and solid next chapter, though not their best album to date. With that said it is still better than most of the black metal you are going to hear these days. Out on Prophecy Records.

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