Saturday, August 15, 2020

The Top 40 Hair Metal Albums of All Time - 10-1

This might not be  genre most of you associate with me. It is one  I grew up with.Many of these albums I still hold dear today . When the 80s were ranging I was not listening to the Cure, I did not get my interest peaked in them til 1990. I listened to music heavier and darker than this in the 80s for sure, but this was the sound of chasing girls at the mall and smoking pot in my cousins car.  I choose 40 since many of these acts represent a time when this kind of music cracked the top 40 . It was a time when MTV began to dominate so image became every thing. Many of these band would put out album that were not metal at all, nor would I consider them metal bands. Granted most are on the low end of the heavy scale, with a few evolvoing into something heavier. I will make a Top 40 Glam Rock albums of all time to clearly contrast the difference, glam rock being more in the vein of Bowie and T-REX. Yes, some of these artists also crossed over into glam , but hair metal has a more cock rocking flair to it and is less androgynous.

These albums are  more about doing cocaine and getting pussy, devoid of any political correctness, none of this would fly in 2020. It would get a hastag for sure. Any this list should speak for itself, in some cases it might not be the most popular album or the album that broke the band through , but the album I feel has the best songs when it comes to hair metal. Remember that as some of these bands have better heavy metal albums, but we are talking about the best to tease your hair up and get a blow job to. So here are the top 10 hair metal albums of all time.

10-Ozzy Osbourne - "No Rest For the Wicked" 1988 

 He was headed in the hair metal direction on "Bark at the Moon" , but fully commits on this album . "Tattooed Dancer" being the most cock rocked out moment. But it's Ozzy and Zakk played with so much fire on this album that it overshadows this.


9-Cinderella -" Night Songs" 1986

 This album came out at the same time as "Look What the Cat Dragged in" and proved to be the better of the two albums. They did everything Poison did with more balls and darker.


8-Ratt -"Dancing Undercover" 1986

 Yeah, "Out of the Cellar" put them on the map. This album has higher energy and builds off what they are best at. It was actually a tougher call between this and "Invasion of Your Privacy".


7-LA Guns- "Cocked and Loaded" 1989

 More punch than sex action. These guys always felt more believable than many of the other bands trying to be tough bikers while looking like women. "Rip & Tear" is a fucking mean song too.


6-Lizzy Borden- "Visual Lies" 1987

 One of the most under rated bands from this era. He has a great voice and adds a darkside to his getting pussy songs.


5 -Skid Row- "Slave to the Grind" - 1991

 They avoid the sophomore slump by getting heavier. There is more to these song than just the big hooky choruses that ruled the first album and put more emphasis on metal than hair.


 4- Kiss - "Animalize" - 1984

 Hair metal for Kiss was ... well they are pretty much the godfathers of it as most bands on this list would not exsist without them. This album pretty much speaks for it self the best of their Desmond Child era albums.


3-Queensyrche- "Operation Mindcrime" 1988

 Ok, it's somewhat proggy hair metal. Most bands of their kind were not as ambitious and this albums is a piure masterpiece and could have been number one if not fur the next three albums.


2-Guns N Roses- Appetite For Destruction"1987

This album is number tow because I do not like "Paradise City' and the number one album I like
every song. But this is still a classic.


1-Motley Crue- "Shout at the Devil" 1983

Flawless front to back. They were still standing their ground as a heavy metal band and had an aire of danger to them.


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