Saturday, August 15, 2020

Pyrrhon : "Abscess Time"

The opening track makes me think of a death metal version of the Jesus Lizard. Known for being a progressive metal band with a leaning toward the mathmatics, I can appreciate them progressing more into choas than wanking. "Down at Liberty Ashes " is more conventional death metal , but still very noisy. The third song finds them moving down the evoluntionary scale in grind core. The song is only a minute but feels like it could have been invested elsewhere. "the Lean Years" descends into jazzy chaos that sounds a little better than some of the murkier moments of noise where it get hard to tell if we are listening to music or a melt down. The rocrding being very raw plays into the more boise rock sound. The vocals find a nice nasty snarl to go into that is higher than the death metal growls. Today is the Day's heavier moments is a fair comparison here as well.

I can appreciatre the furious pounding " Another Day in Paradise " brings you can hear some hard core influence in the attack. One thing about this more noise rock direction they are going is that it is way more melodic. I like the reverb soaked atmosphere that cloaks the ranting on "the Cost of Living". They learned the best way to make death metal heavier is by not playing it. Not all touches of chaos go as well, though even with songs like the dumpster fire that is the absurd "Overwinding" they get points for trying. I think where the masters of this kind of thing Mr. Bungle and Frank Zappa get this kind of train wreck right is they work it into a song rather than a stand alone piece. "Human Capital" aims the chaos in a more death metal direction and it only works marginally better. There are few places where they lock into something cool, but the rule here is cool riffs alone does not a good song make. "Corned Animal" takes the same sentiment in a more feral direction. There are other moments on this album where they go in more of an atmospheric free jazz direction , but with distorted chords bubbling below it . This is more like an interlude than a song.

"State of Nature " finds them blending they element that work for them and playing off them. They do is in a more discordiant direction with "Rat King Lifecycle" which still equates for this album to have a strong ending.I will round this up to a 8.5 as it's encouraging to hear these guys doing something different and not afraid to try new things.

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